
Furry & Wrath


Furry & Wrath is a violent puzzle game about vengeance and fur. It features 60 levels in 3 episodes, the first episode being kind of a tutorial.

By downloading and playing this game you accept the terms of End-User License Agreement.

Why does this game require write permissions?

To save and load your game progress. Saved progress requires 285 bytes of storage. I don’t know the exact location of save file, but it is somewhere around indie/furryandwrath on your SD-card. Probably. (you can read the SDL2 documentation for details)

Why is this game free? Is there any hidden functionality?

This game was originally my friend’s idea (Dmitry Sadekov). He came up with initial design and I (Ildus Nezametdinov) implemented it. Then, after a few more iterations of this project, we published it on the app store. It didn’t sell well, so my friend decided that it’s just not worth to continue working on this project and moved on. I thought that since I’ve dedicated so much time to this game, I should at least publish it somewhere. It would not be fair to make this game non-free, so I decided to simply publish it as free to play, without any ads.

As for any hidden functionality (like mining crypto or whatever), there is none. This game doesn’t even use your network connection. In case you downloaded this game from Google Play, that is. If you downloaded this game from somewhere else, then there are no guarantees.


Programming, Art and Design: Ildus Nezametdinov, Additional Sounds: Tanya Sadekova, Idea: Dmitry Sadekov

This game uses SDL2.

Most of the sounds are from freesound.org, under the CC0 license.

List of sounds, in no particular order:

If you have any questions, feel free to send an e-mail to: furry [dot] and [dot] wrath [at] gmail [dot] com